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Please scroll down until you find the right Capital Solution for your project, analyze carefully all the conditions and eligibility criteria. If you find a capital solution that fits your project needs, please send us a deck with all the non-confidential information to to start the evaluation and due diligence. 

Under no circumstances does the reception and analysis of your project guarantee its acceptance or the contribution of capital.


Fueling Curiosity and Creativity: Scientific discovery is the foundation of technological advancement. Our Women in STEM Pre-Seed Fund empowers female innovators to push the boundaries of science. By supporting research and development, we champion diversity in innovation while cultivating the initial sparks of groundbreaking technologies.

TRL: 3

Sector Focus:

  • Robotics

  • SpaceTech

  • CleanTech

  • Advanced Mobility

  • Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing


Geographical Focus: Latin America (LATAM)

Contributions: Capital contributions from 1.000 to 20.000 USD to be defined case by case, and Non-Capital contributions (se below for more details) through a YC's SAFE with CAP.

Non-Capital Contributions from ARCHE:

  • Access to Industry Leaders: Connections to top experts in deep tech, including AI, Robotics, SpaceTech, etc.

  • Collaborative Ecosystem: Integration into a network of like-minded entrepreneurs, researchers, agencies, startups and investors across LATAM and globally.

  • Market Access: Facilitation of partnerships and market entry, through established relationships. This includes the definition of the business model, the go-to-market strategy and potential partnerships.

  • Operational Support: Assistance with key business functions such as legal entity creation, bank accounts management, new talent hiring, founders interaction, technology development and TRL, regulatory compliance, intellectual property and patents, manufacturing and market expansion, fund raising and data rooms, among others.

  • Talent Development: specific support and guidance for nurturing leadership skills, particularly for women and underrepresented minorities in STEM.

  • Strategic Guidance and Advisory: High-level advice on business strategy, including product development, market positioning, and scaling. Regular guidance from Arche staff on particular matters.

  • Financial Advisory: Expertise in financial management, fundraising strategies, valuation and cap table, investments and exit planning.

  • Impact Measurement: Assistance in developing and implementing impact metrics aligned with global standards like IRIS+ and the Impact Management Project.


ElIgibility Criteria:

  1. Be between 21 and 26 years of age. You should be between 21 and 26 years old at the time of submitting your application.

  2. Be part of a team of at least 2 members, from which at least 50% or more must be a women or underrepresented minority and preferably a woman as CEO.

  3. Submit an application in English. While we welcome proposals from all Latin America, we ask that you submit your application in English. This gives us the best capability to understand your work and the nuances of your proposal.

  4. Include completed responses to all required application questions. Every required question in our application is crucial to helping us understand your plans and ultimate goals. We try not to ask too much—or too little—so please answer all the questions with as much detail as possible.

  5. Agree to all legal terms and conditions of the Arche Pre-Seed Catalyst Fund Women on STEM. We may also ask for additional paperwork as part of the initial due diligence process.

  6. Be able to legally receive funding. The Arche Pre-Seed Catalyst Fund Women in STEM makes investments to many different types of entities, but here are some that we cannot fund: government agencies; lobbying groups; individuals; or entities in countries that are prohibited by law, regulation, treaty or administrative act from entering into trade relations with the United States.


Selection Criteria:

  1. Impact: Solution has potential for tangible, measurable and significant impact (at some point). We look exceptional potential for impact: Transformative solution with extraordinary potential for deep or wide-reaching impact. Robust measurements for success with capacity to scale and/or replicate.

  2. Innovative: Solution is innovative; it presents a new or non-traditional approach to an existing problemWe look exceptional innovation: Solution is ground-breaking, addresses the problem with a completely novel approach in terms of materials, process, or activities.

  3. Original: Solution is original; unique and creative approach that differs from existing options/approaches. We look audacious originality: Very unique idea in the early stages of development (TRL3). Game-changing approach to solve a widespread or complex problem.

  4. Ecosystem: Solution builds on established best-practices and leverages existing solutions or systemsWe look Exceptional approach: Exceptional, creative, intersectional approach that leverages and improves existing models/best practices, and can serve as a model for large-scale, long-term impact.


Validating Innovation for Real-World Applications: Our Corporate Venture Capital Seed Fund steps in when ideas leave the lab and enter the critical stage of validation. By focusing on startups moving out of the lab, we help transform proof-of-concept breakthroughs into viable, scalable solutions aligned with Arche's strategic priorities.

TRL: 4-5

Sector Focus:

  • Robotic Arms and Automated Devices

  • Space-related Electric Propulsion

  • Space-related Solar Energy and Battery Systems

  • Vision Recognition, Thermal, LiDAR and SAR

  • Artificial Intelligence Applied to Autonomous Driving and Navigation

  • Advanced Materials and 3D Metal Manufacturing


Geographical Focus: Latin America (LATAM)

Contributions: Capital contributions from 50.000 to 100.000 USD to be defined case by case, and Non-Capital contributions (se below for more details) through a YC's SAFE with CAP.

Non-Capital Contributions from ARCHE:

  • Access to Industry Leaders: Connections to top experts in deep tech, including AI, Robotics, SpaceTech, etc.

  • Collaborative Ecosystem: Integration into a network of like-minded entrepreneurs, researchers, agencies, startups and investors across LATAM and globally.

  • Market Access: Facilitation of partnerships and market entry, through established relationships. This includes the definition of the business model, the go-to-market strategy and potential partnerships.

  • Operational Support: Assistance with key business functions such as legal entity creation, bank accounts management, new talent hiring, founders interaction, technology development and TRL, regulatory compliance, intellectual property and patents, manufacturing and market expansion, fund raising and data rooms, among others.

  • Talent Development: specific support and guidance for nurturing leadership skills, particularly for women and underrepresented minorities in STEM.

  • Strategic Guidance and Advisory: High-level advice on business strategy, including product development, market positioning, and scaling. Regular guidance from Arche staff on particular matters.

  • Financial Advisory: Expertise in financial management, fundraising strategies, valuation and cap table, investments and exit planning.

  • Impact Measurement: Assistance in developing and implementing impact metrics aligned with global standards like IRIS+ and the Impact Management Project.


ElIgibility Criteria:

  1. The startup must be legally constituted in the USA (LLC or C-Corp) and holds all IP, patents and technology rights.

  2. The startup must have revenue/commercial activity, or at least show solid foundations for the business model and technology monetization strategy.

  3. Founders team must be at least 2 members, from which at least 1 or more must be a women or underrepresented minority and preferably a woman as CEO.

  4. Submit an application in English. While we welcome proposals from all Latin America, we ask that you submit your application in English. This gives us the best capability to understand your work and the nuances of your proposal.

  5. Include completed responses to all required application questions. Every required question in our application is crucial to helping us understand your plans and ultimate goals. We try not to ask too much—or too little—so please answer all the questions with as much detail as possible.

  6. Agree to all legal terms and conditions of the Seed Arche CVC Fund. We may also ask for additional paperwork as part of the initial due diligence process.

  7. Be able to legally receive funding. The Seed Arche CVC Fund makes investments to many different types of entities, but here are some that we cannot fund: government agencies; lobbying groups; individuals; or entities in countries that are prohibited by law, regulation, treaty or administrative act from entering into trade relations with the United States.


Selection Criteria:

  1. Impact: Solution has potential for tangible, measurable and significant impact in no more than 3 years. We look exceptional potential for impact: Transformative solution with extraordinary potential for deep or wide-reaching impact. Robust measurements for success with capacity to scale and/or replicate.

  2. Innovative: Solution is innovative; it presents a new or non-traditional approach to an existing problemWe look exceptional innovation: Solution is ground-breaking, addresses the problem with a completely novel approach in terms of materials, process, or activities.

  3. Original: Solution is original; unique and creative approach that differs from existing options/approaches. We look audacious originality: Very unique idea in the early stages of development (TRL4-5). Game-changing approach to solve a widespread or complex problem.

  4. Ecosystem: Solution builds on established best-practices and leverages existing solutions or systemsWe look Exceptional approach: Exceptional, creative, intersectional approach that leverages and improves existing models/best practices, and can serve as a model for large-scale, long-term impact.


Collaboration Meets Commercial Validation: Once technologies achieve near-commercial readiness, Arche facilitates Venture Client Agreements between startups and established corporations within our network. This model allows innovators to test their products at scale while gaining valuable insights from real-world applications.

TRL: 6-7

Sector Focus:

  • Robotics

  • SpaceTech

  • CleanTech

  • Advanced Mobility

  • Advanced Materials and Manufacturing


Geographical Focus: Worldwide

We understand about market needs as well as the importance of a well designed venture client agreement to allow the collaboration between deep tech startups and large corporations, in a smooth, seamless and risk-free way. The venture client agreements are evaluated case by case considering the needs of each party.


Fueling Growth with Minimal Dilution: For startups at commercial levels, scaling operations and delivering products at commercial scale requires substantial resources. The Venture Debt Agreements provide the capital they need to expand without diluting ownership, preserving the entrepreneurial drive that powers innovation.

TRL: 8

Sector Focus:

  • Robotics

  • SpaceTech

  • CleanTech

  • BioTech

  • Advanced Mobility

  • Advanced Manufacturing

Geographical Focus: Worldwide

In the constant needs of capital of deep tech companies, Venture Debt is a non-common solution but fully applicable for certain projects. It has the advantage of being a non-equity-diluting capital contribution in the form of debt, with the collaterals of a VC round. For the Venture Debt Agreements we work with the most recognized Banks worldwide.


Enabling Production Without Heavy Upfront Costs: As startups move toward mass production, acquiring specialized equipment becomes critical. The Operating Leasing and Sale-and-Leaseback Agreements allow companies to access or monetize high-cost equipment without capital constraints, ensuring smooth operational scaling.

TRL: 9

Sector Focus:

  • Robotics

  • SpaceTech

  • CleanTech

  • BioTech

  • Manufacturing

Geographical Focus: Worldwide

In order to apply for Operating Leasings or Sale-and-Leaseback Agreements some of our partners, the equipment to be acquired must be a physical asset, has serial number, with a capex between 1 and 10 million USD, located in a building property of the acquiring party or with a lease agreement 5 years longer than the tenor of the lease agreement.


Scaling Vision into Reality: When deep tech ventures scale into large projects requiring significant capital, we provide Project Finance and Private Equity (PE) solutions. These instruments support infrastructure development, manufacturing facilities, and other large-scale initiatives that transform innovation into societal impact.

TRL: 9

Sector Focus:

  • SpaceTech

  • CleanTech

  • BioTech

  • Advanced Mobility


Geographical Focus: Worldwide

With large experience structuring complex infrastructure deals in the sectors of Energy, Climate Solutions and Mobility, we make sure to find the right capital provider for each project through specific and non-exclusive mandates, leveraging our global network of DFIs, Banks, Funds and ECAs. Capital investments in Project Finance and Private Equity range from 10 Million USD to 1 Billion USD.

Arche Capital Solutions Terms and Conditions

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